Andreas Wieser

I am a mathematician. My work is mostly in homogeneous dynamics and its applications in number theory.

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Here is a list of my publications from new to old.

  1. M.Einsiedler, E.Lindenstrauss, A.Mohammadi, A.Wieser Effective equidistribution of semisimple adelic periods I: anisotropic groups, in preparation.
    Abstract We prove an effective equidistribution theorem for semisimple closed orbits on compact adelic quotients. The obtained error depends polynomially on the minimal complexity of intermediate orbits and the complexity of the ambient space. The proof uses dynamical arguments, property $(\tau)$, Prasad's volume formula, an effective closing lemma, and a novel effective generation result for subgroups. The latter in turn relies on an effective version of Greenberg's theorem. We apply the above to the problem of establishing a local-global principle for representations of quadratic forms, improving the codimension assumptions and providing effective bounds in a theorem of Ellenberg and Venkatesh.
    Here is a talk of mine on this topic at the IAS.
  2. E.Lindenstrauss, G.Margulis, A.Mohammadi, N.Shah, A.Wieser An effective closing lemma for unipotent flows. 2024, arXiv:2410.19305.
    Abstract We prove an effective closing lemma for unipotent flows on quotients of perfect real groups. This is largely motivated by recent developments in effective unipotent dynamics.
  3. A.Wieser Effective equidistribution of orbits under semisimple groups on congruence quotients . 2024, arXiv:2407.12760.
    Abstract We prove an effective equidistribution result for periodic orbits of semisimple groups on congruence quotients of an ambient semisimple group. This extends previous work of Einsiedler, Margulis and Venkatesh. The main new feature is that we allow for periodic orbits of semisimple groups with nontrivial centralizer in the ambient group. Our proof uses crucially an effective closing lemma from work with Lindenstrauss, Margulis, Mohammadi, and Shah.
  4. M.Aka, P.Feller, A.B.Miller, and A.Wieser Seifert surfaces in the four-ball and composition of binary quadratic forms . 2023, arXiv:2311.17746.
    Abstract We use composition of binary quadratic forms to systematically create pairs of Seifert surfaces that are non-isotopic in the four-ball. Our main result employs Gauss composition to classify the pairs of binary quadratic forms that arise as the Seifert forms of pairs of disjoint Seifert surfaces of genus one. The main ingredient of the proof is number theoretic and of independent interest. It establishes a new connection between the Bhargava cube and the geometric approach to Gauss composition via planes in the space of two-by-two matrices.
    Here is a talk by my coauthor Alison Beth Miller on the topic.
  5. O.Solan and A.Wieser. Birkhoff generic points on curves in horospheres . 2023, arXiv:2301.10671.
    Abstract Let $\{a_t:t∈\R\}<SL_d(\R)$ be a diagonalizable subgroup whose expanding horospherical subgroup $U<SL_d(\R)$ is abelian. By the Birkhoff ergodic theorem, for any $x\in \SL_d(\R)/SL_d(\Z)$ and for almost every point $u\in U$ the point $ux$ is Birkhoff generic for $a_t$ when $t\to \infty$. We prove that the same is true when $U$ is replaced by any non-degenerate analytic curve in $U$. This Birkhoff genericity result has various applications in Diophantine approximation. For instance, we obtain density estimates for Dirichlet improvability along typical points on a curve in Euclidean space. Other applications address approximations by algebraic numbers and best approximations (in the sense of Lagarias).
    Here is a talk by my coauthor Omri Solan on the topic.
  6. A. Wieser and P.Yang. A uniform Linnik basic lemma and entropy bounds . 2022, arXiv:2201.05380.
    Abstract We prove a version of Linnik's basic lemma uniformly over the base field using theta-series and geometric invariant theory in the spirit of Khayutin's approach (Duke Math. J., 168(12), 2019). As an application, we establish entropy bounds for limits of invariant measures on homogeneous toral sets in GL(4) of biquadratic, cyclic, or dihedral type.
  7. M. Aka, A. Musso, and A. Wieser. Equidistribution of rational subspaces and their shapes . To appear in ETDS.
    Abstract To any $k$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{Q}^n$ one can naturally associate a point in the Grassmannian $\mathrm{Gr}_{n,k}(\mathbb{R})$ and two shapes of lattices of rank $k$ and $n-k$ respectively. These lattices originate by intersecting the $k$-dimensional subspace with the lattice $\mathbb{Z}^n$. Using unipotent dynamics we prove simultaneous equidistribution of all of these objects under a congruence conditions when $(k,n)\neq (2,4)$.
  8. M. Aka, M. Luethi, Ph. Michel and A. Wieser. Simultaneous supersingular reductions of CM elliptic curves . J. Reine Angew. Math. 786 (2022), 1-43.
    Abstract We study the simultaneous reductions at several supersingular primes of elliptic curves with complex multiplication. We show - under additional congruence assumptions on the CM order - that the reductions are surjective (and even become equidistributed) on the product of supersingular loci when the discriminant of the order becomes large. This variant of the equidistribution theorems of Duke and Cornut-Vatsal is an(other) application of the recent work of Einsiedler and Lindenstrauss on the classification of joinings of higher-rank diagonalizable actions.
    Here is a talk by my coauthor Manuel Luethi on the topic.
  9. M. Aka, M. Einsiedler and A. Wieser. Planes in four space and four associated CM points. Duke Math. J. 171 (2022), no. 7, 1469-1529.
    Abstract To any two-dimensional rational plane in four-dimensional space one can naturally attach a point in the Grassmannian $\operatorname{Gr}(2,4)$ and four lattices of rank two. Here, the first two lattices originate from the plane and its orthogonal complement and the second two essentially arise from the accidental local isomorphism between $\operatorname{SO}(4)$ and $\operatorname{SO}(3)\times \operatorname{SO}(3)$. As an application of a recent result of Einsiedler and Lindenstrauss on algebraicity of joinings we prove simultaneous equidistribution of all of these objects under two splitting conditions.
    Here are the slides for this talk I gave at the conference 'Smooth and homogeneous dynamics' at ICTS in Bangalore.
  10. A. Wieser. Linnik's problems and maximal entropy methods. Monatsh. Math. 190 (2019), 153-208.
    Abstract We use maximal entropy methods to examine the distribution properties of primitive integer points on spheres and of CM points on the modular surface. The proofs we give are a modern and dynamical interpretation of Linnik's original ideas and follow techniques presented by Einsiedler, Lindenstrauss, Michel and Venkatesh in 2011.
    Note: the first version on the ArXiv treats a simpler special case.